Great Babymoon Destinations
& Tips for Travel While Pregnant
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I did a fair amount of pregnant travel and my babymoon ideas are based on those trips. It’s kind of funny that on my very best babymoon I wasn’t even pregnant and it was to a place I couldn’t recommend for a while due to Zika. Most of my travel while pregnant was for work or visiting family, not real babymoons in the true sense of the word.
Babymoon Ideas
Lazing about in a tropical destination sounds great but I like drinking rum out of coconuts in such places. There are lots of lovely spas close to home so I don’t really need to travel to one. These babymoon ideas are trips that are easy on the body and psyche (you don’t need to travel while pregnant to know this is important). And while these ideas are not necessarily the most baby-friendly, they can be modified in case you’re on babymoon #2 and have a toddler in tow.

Babymoon Ideas: New York City
In my past life I had a cool job that sometimes involved travel. When I was about three months’ along with my son, I traveled to New York to produce a show with Dee Snider of Twisted Sister. (I know, right?!) We spent time with him at and around his home in Long Island, and interviewed him in Manhattan where he records his House of Hair radio show.
We didn’t have much downtime on our work trips, but, if you’re going to travel while pregnant, New York City is a great place to visit. You may no longer be partying until the wee hours in chic clubs, but you can take your time wandering cool neighborhoods, sample amazing food, and get in some excellent maternity wear shopping. And because I was pregnant and really missing my then-toddler daughter, she scored big time when I discovered the American Girl store.
New York City is home to some of the world’s most advanced hospitals, so access to good medical care is a given. Of course there are certain foods to avoid while pregnant, but in New York you won’t have to worry about drinking unsafe water or consuming produce washed with it. And if this is a second babymoon and you’ve got baby number one along, New York City with toddlers can be lots of fun. (Seriously!)

Babymoon Ideas: Alberta
Back when I was around six months’ pregnant with my daughter, we traveled to Alberta for a family wedding. (We’ve done that twice now, actually :)) We started in Calgary, explored Banff, and spent a lovely day in Edmonton celebrating the marriage of our nephew and his lovely wife (who now, coincidentally, travel with their kids).
I’m probably a little bit biased, but pregnant travel in Alberta is pretty great. Winters can be very cold, but chinooks come along from time to time to warm things up. Summer is rarely stifling hot and the lack of humidity is great if you’re prone to swelling. There is so much diversity in terms of landscapes and activities, you can truly do as little or as much of anything as you feel up to.
In spite of the province’s size and, in some cases, remoteness of locations, you are never far from excellent medical care in Alberta. You can hike in the Rocky Mountains or dig for dinosaur bones, or feast on steaks or shop your face off. (Or all of the above.) There were a few instances where I felt a bit winded while hiking near Kananaskis. I’m not sure if it was the altitude or the exertion, but the episodes didn’t last long. And what what a good excuse to sit and marvel at the views.

Babymoon Ideas: Florida
A few years back, I wouldn’t have hesitated to recommend most destinations in the Caribbean or Mexico as excellent places to travel while pregnant. Ditto for Florida. When I was a few months’ along with our son, we visited my Father-in-Law in Tarpon Springs (near Clearwater) and had a magical few days at Walt Disney World.
I’m somewhat relieved (but a little sad, tbh) that my pregnancy and baby days are behind me but I still would not hesitate to travel to Florida or Walt Disney World while pregnant.
Babymoon Ideas: Zika-Free Destinations
But if you’re going to travel while pregnant (or hoping to become pregnant) and crave the sun and the sand and want ZERO risk of Zika, here are the best tropical or warm climate Zika-free destinations as reported by the CDC:
Warm Babymoon Ideas: Zika-Free USA
- Arizona
- California
- Hawaii
- (It’s worth noting that Florida and Texas are the only two US states to have reported local Zika transmission, but both are no longer reporting local mosquitoes spreading Zika.)
Warm Babymoon Ideas: Zika-Free Caribbean
- Bermuda
- Bahamas
- Guadeloupe
- Martinique
- Saint Barthelemy (St. Bart’s)
Warm Babymoon Ideas: Zika-Free Europe
- Croatia
- Greece
- Italy
- Spain
- Turkey
- (No Zika anywhere in Europe, FYI)
Tips for Travel while Pregnant

Although the main idea behind this special getaway is enjoying one last hurrah before baby arrives, the top priority for everyone is ensuring a safe and healthy babymoon.
Even if your pregnancy is or has been uneventful, you should check with your doctor before any pregnant travel. And most airlines won’t allow you to fly past 36 weeks, in case of early labour.
But if you loved travel pre-baby and plan to travel post-baby, it makes sense that you’re planning to travel while pregnant!
Here are some tips to help make your pregnant travel easier and more comfortable:
- Try to choose short flights and/or car trips. All the water and support hose and leg exercises in the world won’t be able to stop the swelling from being seated for great lengths of time.
- Drink LOTS of water. Even though it sucks to have to get up (or make a stop) to use the washroom frequently, it is good for you to get up and stretch your legs as much as possible.
- Sleep. And sleep. Then, sleep some more. Then, rest. It may sound obvious but downtime and sleep will likely be the two biggest things you’ll miss from your pre-baby life.
- Look to do things or visit places that will be tough or impossible to do with a baby or toddler in tow. Museums and leisurely strolls are still totally doable with a non-mobile baby. However, the toddler zone from ages 1-3 and (depending on your kid, beyond) makes museums and galleries and other trips of that nature pretty unpleasant.
- Stay somewhere fancy or ornate (or alternately, crunchy or bohemian if that’s your thing). A stay at these kinds of accommodations can be stressful when you’re traveling with a (literal) small bull in a china shop.
- Opt for comfort in climate and clothes. I looked like Shrek and felt like a whale at the beach. I much preferred our trips where I could be fully and properly dressed 🙂
- Make sure your travel insurance is up-to-date and that your policy includes pregnancy-related travel coverage.
This post is sponsored by Patient.info
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See Also:
- Best New York Hotels for Families
- Visiting the Theme Parks at Walt Disney World with a Baby or Toddler
- Do I Need Travel Insurance for Baby?
- What to Do if Baby Gets Sick on Vacation
- Baby Travel Gear Essentials
- The Best Baby Travel Bed Options & Sleep Gear
- The Best FAA-Approved Car Seats
- Beach and Sun Safety for Babies and Toddlers
- Toddler Travel Tech & Baby Headphones
- The Best Travel Strollers
Traveling when you’re pregnant can be such a fun experience. These are all helpful tips for those who like to try:)