What She Remembers…

She remembers the scent of the cool and damp Scottish air as she exited the airport every August. It felt so different from the hot and muggy month she left at home. She remembers straining to decipher the accent at first, and by the end of the trip she had one too. She remembers family, and comfort food, and road trips across green hills, or train trips to busy busy cities with tons of pigeons and giant lions to climb.

She remembers always looking the wrong way before crossing the street.

What He Remembers…

He remembers eating sweet cereal as a treat, and the family treks to the grocery store to get it. He remembers long days at the beach, the tang of the sea air and the tightness of his skin after a day of salt and sand. He remembers dropping water balloons off the balcony with his brothers, and his oldest brother falling off the rings on his back into the sand.

He remembers hoping Santa would be able to find him if he wasn’t at home.

have baby will travel, baby, varadero beach, beach baby, cuba, what they remember
Varadero Beach, Cuba

What They Remember…

They remember her squeals of joy when they released her on the beach for the very first time, bolting like a crab across the sand. They remember snuggling her in a towel and her falling instantly asleep after a dip in the sea or the pool. They remember her look of wonder as she watched the palm trees dance in the breeze. They remember strolling through magical cobbled streets. And how a construction worker put down his jackhammer to come over and tickle her chin.

What She Remembers…

She remembers a little boy’s yellow bucket, and her blue one. She remembers that the sea was chilly, and the pool was warm. She remembers chasing a ball with her daddy, and wishing a tree house “Good Morning” every day.

She remembers a boat ride with singing puppets, and having dinner with a princess. She remembers being dazzled by a faraway castle. And she remembers that the horse’s name was Prince for her carriage ride. She remembers ice cream with sprinkles for dessert.

baby in quebec city, travel with baby, family travel, what they remember
Vieux Quebec, Quebec City

What They Remember…

They remember how he slept through his first plane ride, and his first taxi ride, and his first meal in a restaurant. They remember propping him up for the first time and him looking around. And they remember how then and there he refused to lay flat in his stroller forever.

They remember watching them doze off on a horse and carriage ride… and seeing them giggle together for the first time.

They Will Never Forget…

They love that she’ll remember the scent of the ocean and he’ll remember the feeling of sand in his toes. They love that they may not remember all the sights and sounds and tastes, but that all of those experiences shape their lives. And even though she won’t remember her naps on the beach, and he won’t remember being fascinated with a fountain, they love that they will never forget.

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4 Responses to What She Remembers…

  1. Carolina at #

    Lovely post. Reminds me of how I need to stop every once in a while and write down all those little experiences that make traveling with kids so enjoyable.

  2. Allie at #

    What a beautiful post. I come from a family of travelers- my parents have worked in the business longer than I have been alive. My most vivid memories involve travel and travel has sparked so many wonderful passions like art, history, food and other cultures.

    Your post brings those wonderful , exciting memories back, thank you!

  3. Corinne at #

    Thanks so much – it was kind of sitting in my head for a long time. Felt good to finally put it out there.

  4. I remember all of those moments traveling with my girls as infants. Now that they are 7 and 11, I hope they will have memories of our travels and time living abroad. We are just back in the States after a year in Spain. Seeing the world through their eyes is priceless.

    Thanks for such a wonderful reminder of the early years!