5 Tips for Visiting New York with Babies & Little Kids

new york with babies
Empire State Daddy

Our trip to New York City with kids raised a few eyebrows. People were genuinely surprised that we grown-ups would have any fun in New York if the kids were with us. What was so refreshing about that trip was as a family we could embrace being tourists and actually do and see touristy things that I was simply “too cool” to do before.

The kids loved New York, and we loved seeing it through their eyes for the first time.

Nevertheless, New York City can be overstimulating for adults as well as kids. Have Baby Will Travel focuses on four main tenets when traveling with a baby: Eating, Sleeping, Playing, and Getting Around.

Here are five tips for Eating and Sleeping when visiting New York with babies and little kids. Hopefully they will help make your trip a smooth one!

Eating in New York with Babies & Kids…

1.   Deli is Short for Delicious:

Practically every food storefront in Manhattan is a “deli,” which is usually not just your usual delicatessen. Most also have buffets with both hot and cold options that can result in an easy and inexpensive meal for the family. “Pay by the pound” buffets can add up if you enjoy particularly heavy foods, but I’ve always found allowing little kids to choose their own food from a buffet results in fed and satisfied children.

New York CityPASS

2.   NYC Gourmet Baby Food Delivery:

Just because you’re not a local, doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the options NYC parents enjoy, nor the great food options afforded to baby Manhattanites. If you make your baby food at home, and are reluctant to switch to full-time packaged for travel, savvy traveling parents have turned to local NYC operations.

Businesses like Tiny Organics and Little Spoon will deliver fresh, homemade baby food to your hotel, just as they do for local moms and dads. You’re practically a New Yorker already!

3.   You Can Never Go Wrong with Pizza. Or Hot Dogs.

Once your child is a toddler, and your nutritional standards have dropped to include whatever he or she will actually eat, NYC is well equipped for you, too. There is decent pizza available on just about every block (plain cheese on thin crust, of course), and let’s not forget about steamed hot dogs from the street carts.

I am only slightly embarrassed to admit that my son’s New York diet was almost entirely hot dogs and pizza. You do what you can.

Sleeping in New York with Babies & Kids…

4.   Stay Where You Play:

One of the best parts about visiting New York is aimlessly wandering for blocks just soaking up the atmosphere. If you’ve got a toddler in tow, he or she may not agree. If you know you’ll be spending most of your time in a certain part of Manhattan, aim to find a hotel in that neighborhood as well.

Even if hotel rooms are slightly more expensive in Midtown, for example, you won’t need to pay for taxis or transit every time you go somewhere. You’ll save money in the long run. We highly recommend both the Westin Hotel Grand Central Station, and the Best Western Hospitality House.

5.   You Need To Sleep Even if the City Doesn’t:

There’s a joke somewhere about visiting “The City That Never Sleeps” with a baby who doesn’t, either. However, sleep-deprived new parents may be a few years off from appreciating that humour. Plan your days around naps, and you’ll be happier for it. This is easier if your hotel is close to where you’ll be spending much of your time.

Most larger hotels have blackout curtains and double glazing on windows to dull the traffic noise. Don’t forget to check that your hotel can provide a crib, or bring your own!

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Find the best deal, compare prices, and read what other families have to say about visiting New York City at Tripadvisor

See Also:



17 Responses to 5 Tips for Visiting New York with Babies & Little Kids

  1. I love NYC! I’ve never brought my kids but would love to…someday!

  2. Allison at #

    We visited NYC with our kids this summer and had a great time!

  3. Katie at #

    Ha! We’re headed there on the 27th to check out the holiday decor! Brrrr….

  4. David at #

    All solid tips for touring the Big Apple … perfect place to be at Xmas time!

  5. Meera M at #

    Planning to visit NYC with my kids soon! Thanks for the tips!

  6. Fabiana at #

    Great source! As much as I love to do it, it is so hard to go anywhere with kids, this will be very useful because we might go to NYC this year.

  7. Izzy at #

    Some great ideas; NYC rocks and kids love it too!

  8. Very good ideas, thanks.

  9. Lucy at #

    Taking my 9 month old next month! Wish me luck! thanks for the tips

  10. aryan at #

    Good luck!

  11. sundar at #

    Very good ideas

  12. study2migrate at #

    good Article ….thank you

  13. DotSoft Solutions at #

    Excellent idea…

  14. Surya at #

    perfect place to visit at Christmas time…

  15. Hi, traveling with kids? Lugging car seats can be a nightmare! Good thing I found Kidmoto. Their service is a life-saver! Drivers are professionals and are well trained with setting up the car seats, too. Here’s the link to their website: https://kidmoto.taxi/

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