Beautiful Quebec City…
In two sleeps we will be taking our first trip as a family of four! We’ll be visiting beautiful Quebec City with our new addition – baby Riley will be 10.5 weeks.
Why Quebec City? Well, a number of reasons…
-I’m embarrassed at how little I’ve seen of my own country
-I’ve heard it’s fantastically beautiful
-At just over 2mos. postpartum, I’m not exactly eager to hit a beach
-I haven’t yet gotten around to getting Riley his passport
We’re flying Porter, and will be staying at the Delta.
If you have any suggestions of must-dos or must-sees, please send them my way!
Related Links:
Quebec Trip Reports
Canada Destination Information
Your First Vacation With Baby!
I too have a little one and never hesitated to take him with me when I traveled so I can very much appreciate your blog/website.
There is a zoo in Quebec City for the little ones. They might also enjoy the ferry ride over to Isle d’Orleans and back.
The Chateau Frontenac and Dufferin Terrace are a must. The best park is the Plains of Abraham but I can’t remember if they have a playground there or not. The Citadel would probably be fun if you made it to the Changing of the Guard. Just walk around the old town and experience the sights and sounds. The food is terrific too. Try the Aux Anciens Canadiens Restaurant for traditional tortiere and real maple syrup on just about anything!
Have a GREAT time. Take lots of pictures and videos of the munchkins.
Thanks Brenda-
I was so excited about poutine that I completely forgot about tortiere!
We’ll definitely check out your suggestions – have to find a minute to plot out an itinerary today.